Servo Cuber
Block Plant Completing

In systems working with production pallets, the process of removing the produced material from the pallet directly affects the production capacity. Time lost in handling or troubleshooting the problems that may arise with these equipment will reduce efficiency and productivity.
Hydraulic clamp is suitable to any concrete product coming out of the block machine, interlocking hollow blocks, curbstones. Its endless connection design allows the clamp head to rotate limitlessly, which can be used to align the products in various directions.
A beautiful mechanical design, equipped with a Servo Piston that enables a safe and strong grip. Collapsed rows of pavers are forgotten by its users since Servo Cuber is introduced back in 2015. Instead of reaching an hydraulic pressure to lock the products together, amperage guided clamp is the perfect solution.
An endless rotation enabled not only mechanically, angle tracking positioning is accurate even through a power cut, the angle of the row is kept thanks to absolute encoder. Using all benefits of the latest technology always returned with side benefits to the applications. Since the vertical and horizontal movements are Servo motor driven, movements are fast, smooth and absolute. Therefore there are no momentum forces effecting so even the lowest products can be picked by cuber.