Hydraulic Cuber
Block Plant Completing

As the output of a system increase, the work required to handle it does so. In order to keep up with the cycle speed of the block machine, stacking robots are used to align the dried products as desired number of rows on transporting pallets or as it can be easily stocked/trasnferred in somewhere. So the production pallets can go back in the system to be used again.
Hydraulic clamp is suitable to any concrete product coming out of the block machine, interlocking hollow blocks, curbstones. Its endless connection design allows the clamp head to rotate limitlessly, which can be used to align the products in various directions.
In addition to hydraulic, Merkon also has an electronic cuber, which runs on servos for all motions to get a quicker and more sensitive responsing running on the unit.
ServoCuber is also awarded by Research & Development Institution of State.
As in all of its production range, Merkon engineers followed the routine. An endless rotation enabled not only mechanically, angle tracking positioning is accurate even through a power cut, the angle of the row is kept thanks to absolute encoder. Using all benefits of the latest technology always re- turned with side benefits to the applications.